Our Story

Dalga Water is presented to you from the miraculous and original springs of Toros Mountains in which there are spring waters with the highest mineral in our region. In our company which is committed to convey you the cleanest water in its purest and the most natural form, fillings are made by fully automatic machines.
Dalga Water is a natural spring water which flows up at the peaks of Toros Mountains in Kızıldağ Region in Adana, pure and easy to drink. Protection of all values as in its original form and its bottling without human contact is important in terms of that it shows the importance which our company gives to nature and human.

From the springs of Toros
It is extracted at the untouched nature of Toros Mountains making people peaceful with its majestic natural scenery and is delivered to you far away from settlements and without being affected from industrial, agricultural and domestic activities.
A structure called catchment is installed at the exit point in which the water flows up with the aim of preventing that any contaminator outside infects spring water. Also, the protection of maximum hygiene of Natural Spring Water is maintained by building a 5.000 m² Protection Area around the spring.
The water extracting from its spring is canalized into special pipe system installed in accordance with the alimentary regulations and it reaches the filling facility with its natural flow in the pipes. At the very moment it reaches the factory, it is canalized into the water tanks designed in accordance with the Regulation of the Ministry of Health and is stored in a fully enclosed and hygienic environment.

Üretim ve Titizlik
Dalga Su dolum tesisinde suyun dolumu sırasında maksimum hijyeni sağlamak için PET şişelerin şişirilmesi, dolumu, etiketlemesi ve paketlemesi el değmeden son teknoloji ile tam otomatik makinelerde gerçekleştirilir ve böylelikle hijyen en üst seviyede tutulur.
Üretimde kullanılan her ambalaj malzemesi partisi fiziksel, kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik olarak testleri tamamlandıktan sonra kalite bölümü onayından sonra üretimde kullanılmaktadır.